We have been having a lot of "dirty" conversations during Elevate (
northviewcc.com's youth group) over the last week!! Now get your mind out of the gutter people!!!! :) We are talking
Matthew 13:1-9 & 18-23 soil here!!! Yep, I know that the only reason you are reading this blog was because you weren't thinking actual soil!! ;)
Okay, really, we have been taking an in depth look at "The Sower and the Seed" parable.
Click here to read it for yourself.
First of all, we have to remember that Jesus himself actually gave this message, so it must be worth taking a look at. We read his words, and then, during our small groups, asked each other "What soil are you?" and "Where do you want to be spiritually?" It was amazingly refreshing to hear the honest answers of these students. They allowed themselves to be so vulnerable to God and each other. We also asked questions like, "What is choking your spiritual life?" and "What are ways that you can get from where you are to where you want to be spiritually?"
My answers, sparked this post. Here they are:
What soil are you? I feel like I am the good soil. I am growing spiritually, reading my Bible, constantly asking for guidance, BUT....there's always a but... I definitely have thorny soil tendencies!!!
What is choking your spiritual life? My spiritual life tends to drift because of, well mostly, TIME!!! I want to do sooooo much, and there are only so many hours in a day. The overwhelming feeling of trying to conquer the world, combined with the chaos life seems to bring, can really be suffocating to one's spiritual life!!
How can you get from where you are to where you want to be? My answer is FOCUS. First things first, I need to do some weeding. I always fall in this trap of wanting to be all things to all people, and to be honest, I suck at it. For example, it is so hard for me to "go black" because people might need me right away, and I tend to say "yes" to way too much because I sincerely want to help!! When I do say "no," I still find myself worrying that I've upset the person I've said "no" to. Urg, I think this is a battle that I will face my entire life, but it's one worth fighting!!
The second part of my answer to this question is that I connect with God through journaling and writing. I am pretty disciplined when it comes to reading The Word, but when it comes to reflecting and connecting, it's hit or miss for me. He speaks to me through a pen. Seriously, I'm not kooky here people!! Okay, that might be debatable!! :) I'm not only talking about writing my thoughts and prayers out to him, I mean, I feel like he is opening up my mind and showing me things as I am writing this blog. Any visions or dreams that have come to light, from him through me, have been spilled out onto paper through my pen (or keyboard) first.
So....in all of this "dirty" talk, here is what I am challenging myself to do:
-journal every day
-blog twice a week (or more)
-write out my priorities, passions & dreams
-write out a plan to put those priorities, passions, & dreams into action
-put that plan into action
Alright, enough "dirty talk!"