Saturday, November 1, 2008

I've Returned to Earth

Okay, I took a little break from blogging, but I think it is time to get it back into gear again! I'll get you as caught up as I can... :)

I went to Houston so that my parents could help me with the girls! Thanks Daddo and Mom! We had a great time. Got to do a little crutch shopping with my mom, color with Emily, swim with my sister, go to a Halloween Party at Walmart on a motorized cart, visit a church, see the craziness of Galveston, and oh yeah ALMOST GET KILLED ON A MOTORCYCLE! :) Let's just say my dad scared me half to death a couple of times! It was a really fun ride I have to admit. I even got to see where the TV station in some small remote town was located at, or they were trying to communicate with aliens, either one.

Alright, I will get back to regular posting, and when I find my phone, I'll start tweeting again as well. I'll try to post Halloween pics soon!


Lambchop's Mimi said...

Welcome home! Glad to see you had a safe landing back on earth and they you weren't abducted by aliens. Looking forward to pictures!

Anonymous said...

That field in deep East Texas that is full of satellite dishes was the Plum Grove, Texas Worldwide Interplanetary Communications Uplink Center for the CIA. It is manned around the clock by white dogs wearing tool pouches. Reportedly the reason for the UFO fly-by described in the Cash-Landrum incident. (True story... seee it here )

P.S. I knew the truck would not hit us, but you didn't. LOL! Was it loud in there as you were insanely screaming inside your helmet?