Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Work Hard, Step Back, and FOCUS!!!

I found a new slogan for the phase of life I am headed into, so it's made me sit back and reflect on the last 5 years of slogans and what they mean to me. When I actually sit down and look at these, it's interesting how they pretty much sum up parts of my life... Mostly big and life changing events... I adopted my new slogan yesterday.... Here is the last 5 years of my life in a nut shell.... You'll start to notice a recurring theme.

Keep it simple stupid! - 2004/2005
-I had Grace in 2004. Jake and I sat down and asked ourselves what was really important to us in life. Family and our relationship. We had to focus on our family, and literally simplify our lives in just about every area. I needed to work hard, step back, and FOCUS!!!

The simplest solution is the best! (Ocaam's Razor)- 2006/2007
-Jake and I were being called to a new church. I started serving and really getting into ministry. I was so passionate about so many different aspects of my life, I began to run wild and started making things a lot more complicated than they needed to be. I read the book "Simple Church," which was actually a life changing book for me. I know it was specifically written for the church, but I have been attempting to apply those same concepts into every area of my life. I also had my very long and drawn out miscarriage during this phase, which of course was incredibly difficult. I fortunately healed and grew from that experience. I had to ask myself during this phase: What is my purpose here in life? What do I need to stop doing that has nothing to do with why I am here? I needed to work hard, step back, and FOCUS!!!

Life is a roller coaster, hang on for dear life and enjoy the ride!2008/2009
-These were the best years, and worst years of my life. The best being that I had my baby girl, Faith. I was also being used by God more than ever. I was passionate about what I was doing and excited! Jake and I bought our first house, which we still love! The worst because I was going through more spiritual warfare than I ever had in my life. Faith was suffering from major asthma, allergies, and eczema and was EXTREMELY sick (I'm sure we hit 15+ ER visits those years)!!! Grace was getting strep at least once a month. I lost a close friend, and broke my ankle which left me sitting on the couch for what seemed like forever! I needed to work hard, step back and FOCUS!!!

Life is like a marathon-although often times we live it like a sprint. 2010/....
-I read this yesterday in my devo. and thought it was perfect for what I am headed into in this phase of my life.... So far, Grace got her tonsils out and Faith is making TREMENDOUS progress in her health... Hopefully during this phase, I will literally train for and run a marathon which will represent my life as a whole. Besides the fact that it is on my bucket list, and I'm not getting any younger, it could really help me to connect to the symbolic meaning of this slogan in a concrete way. I guess another phrase that could work here is "slow and steady wins the race." I have to "keep my eye on the goal" of living my life with passion and purpose, and teach my children how to do the same. The key to this phase is training. That is the hard part for me. I want to just jump up and run the 26 miles. I'm expecting a full dose of "TESTING MY PATIENCE" in this part of life... All in all, I have to work hard, step back and FOCUS!!!!!


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