Nothing like leg pain to get me back in the blogging spirit!! I have come a loooong way since I last posted... I think I was still in physical therapy thinking I'll never be able to walk correctly again no less run!! Well, I know this is a surprise to anyone who knows me, but I'm a little stubborn.
I decided to R U N again... Yep, that's right!! I am running!! Well, I have injured myself, so I'm on a temporary break, but only for a few days I hope!!! I used to run in High School... Wasn't that good, but I loved distance running.... I have to go all or none, so I thought....I need to get movin' so I've gotta run!!!
It's been sooo fun! (Once I get started....) I've been going after I put the girls down to bed and it's been my own personal oasis of quiet kid free time!!! My friend Amy, invited me to do a 10K leg of the Memorial Marathon in April, so I have upped the miles and pace a little too quickly... Nursing a little runner's knee and shin splints now, but I'm determined to get back on the road, slowly, and get myself into gear!!! Now, I won't mention that when I run, I am now having to wear 2 knee braces, an ankle brace, and have hardware in my ankle!!!! I can't and won't take the hint though!!! LOL!!
Until next time....
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