Some of you may have noticed that I have deleted my posts about politics. I decided to put myself out there by sharing my opinions and insight. I still hold strong to what I wrote about, but I wasn't ready for the reaction. It is my fault, if you put yourself out there, you should expect to be criticized, so I'm not complaining. I did decide that with everything else going on in my life right now, I'm not really up for criticism, so I took it down.
I will write a few things that I believe down quickly so that people know where I stand based on my past blogs. I will then avoid talking about politics until I feel ready to take it. I was dishing it but not prepared to take it.
Michelle Obama - I talked about enjoying her speech. I did, she is a great motivational speaker and their family touched me. I unfortunately cannot vote for her and her husband though because he is pro-choice. I said she would make a great first lady, but I didn't say that I wanted her as first lady. I would have to change a few things about their political stances before I would make that statement.
Abortion - This is the issue that is very near and dear to my heart. I believe it is murder and we take away the freedom of babies when we allow people to murder legally. Because Obama is pro choice and McCain is pro life, it is an easy decision to make for me to vote for McCain. I believe he places a higher value on life than Obama does.
Same Sex Marriages - For me, this legalizing same sex marriages is more of a political issue than a moral issue. I view it a little differently in the realm of politics and freedom than I do abortion. I will take a stance though, and say that I morally do believe that same sex relationships and marriages are wrong. I consider that a sin like any other based on my belief in the Bible. Of course I love all people, we are human, but not the act of sin.
Obama and McCain - In some ways, I feel like I have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils - McCain. I cannot waver on the abortion issue so MY VOTE IS FOR MCCAIN.
Okay, this is probably the last time I will put myself out there discussing politics for a while on my blog. Not until I'm ready to take what I dish! :)
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