Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Last Few Days

Hi All!

K, sorry to disappoint! I have taken a break from the computer, and I know some of you are worried about me. :) I know, I went from posting 3 a day to skipping a few days. Actually, the lack of sleep I had been getting was really getting to me, and I have just been resting up.

A few updates till tomorrow....
  • Audree did great with her tubes, she was very mad, but feels good now.
  • Emily had her school carnival and took her friend Dax. They are sooooo cute. They both said they "missded each other! "
  • Got new furniture!!! I seriously have been waiting 8 years for it!!!
  • Am still in my cast trying to not go crazy!!!
  • Am about to watch "Lars and the Real Girl" with Jake.

Till tomorrow....


Jake said...

On the bath front, I think that she has only taken one bath in the last week. Please pray for a renewed sense of cleaniness for Amber as her side of the bed is starting to stink!

Erin said...

Oh Jake, that is SOOO mean! I'm sure you smell like a rose, Amber :) Did you love Lars and the Real Girl? I thought it was so cute.

Lambchop's Mimi said...

Also known as Kneeproppedup. So I think I'm getting a bad attitude now. Here are two comments I've posted in my class during the past 24 hours.

I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, but since it is related to class, decided to post it in the General Discussion.

This morning while I was soaking my wounded knee, I began to think about my thought process right before my bicycle accident. I realized I was actually putting to use some baby critical thinking skills. Before crossing the railroad tracks on Friday, I made assumptions about my ability to do so. I had done it before (previous experience). What I had not experienced, and didn't realize until later, was crossing those tracks on a road bike (thin tires). Previously, I had crossed them only on a mountain bike (thick tires). So in my thinking process, I had made a false assumption without even knowing it. Only to realize the error of my thinking. A hard lesson to learn considering the hardness of the road!

So has anyone else ever made a false assumption?


Okay, so I got up and thought I was going to church today, but my knee told me otherwise. So I may not be ready to be off the crutches entirely. So I have a lot of time to think. Here's something else I've been thinking about.

When I tell people about my accident they ask: "Did you have your helmut on?" When I tell them "No" what assumptions are they making? That wearing a helmut would have prevented the accident? That wearing a helmut makes riding a bicycle safer? Yes, but I did not hit my head. It did not prevent my knee from getting hurt. Oh, I guess I should have been wearing knee pads! What caused the accident was not whether or not I was wearing a helmut. It was the angle I hit the tracks which happened to cross the road at an angle too. Kind of tricky.

99% of the time I wear a helmut when riding my bike. I wore it as I rode to work Friday morning. I had it with me. But I made the choice not to put it on because it was a short distance and I was hot. So, yes, I am feeling guilty because I did not wear my helmut.

Thanks for listening.

chargerrt said...

First, no, never made a false assumption and are you sure you didn't hit your head - just wondering because I've never seen helmet spell that way

and last - glad to listen

Lambchop's Mimi said...

Oops, my spell check caught that spelling but I ignored it. Must be the pain meds.

Lambchop's Mimi said...

I think that is the viking spelling of helmet. Ha, Ha!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting your mom go to Austin. She got in about 1:00AM Saturday. We slept like babies. We awoke refreshed and at her request enjoyed a long ride Saturday on a bunch of dead-man curves as we rode the entire perimeter of Lake Travis on the back roads. Stopped for lunch in Marble Falls and ate outside on a deck overlooking the lake, nice.

We joined Alane and Von Saturday night for a romantic dinner in downtown Austin on a rooftop terrace overlooking the the city.

Snuggled with your momma Saturday night. This part was particularly enjoyable to me.

Enjoyed a fine breakfast and another ride Sunday morning in crisp, cool Hill Country air. A lot of curves and steep, hilly roads. The faster I went the harder your mother hung on... I went very fast... a lot, yep.

Let me know when I get my next visit to Austin to see my wife in Oklahoma City from Humble. This is bizarre.


Katie said...

In response to Chargerrt: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, your comment made me laugh, but be nice to your little sister!
And Jake be nice to your wife even if she smells funny.