So.....I went to my doctor today and got into my cast. It is actually way more comfortable than that splint!!! I'm so bummed though because I really wanted a purple cast. Since I had stitches, he said that if it bleeds you cant see it through the purple. My only choices were a dirty looking cream color or green. I picked green. I guess I can deal with it. :)
I did find out that the doctor doesn't think I'll be ready to put weight on it until mid October. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello, can we say.....
broken ankle + 4 year old + 8 month old + children's director = FRUSTRATION
Thank goodness for my mom, Jake's mom, Dana and everyone else that has been taking care of me!!!!!!
your ankle was nasty looking, but i still want to give you a bath
Wow, looks like they made several cuts (hope those weren't oops, not there, oops, not there, oh I think we should cut her here!)
The green cast can match your green toe nail polish!
Hi there I recently broke my ankle and having surgery tomorrow a plate and screws,is that what you have? I am pretty worried,in a splint now and will get a cast after the stitches come out. How painful is the surgery and how much pain is it after? Feel free to email me,tippytop100@gmail.com,David.
That is exactly what I had. 2 screws, a plate, and they had to cut a groove out of my bone for the tendon to lay back down. I was out for the surgery, so that was pain free. I would HIGHLY recommend a nerve block on your leg!!!! Your leg is completely numb for like 12 hours. Be prepared for when it wears off. Stay on your pain meds and you will be fine!!! Don't let them wear off or you will be sorry. Good luck!!!! It is nooooo fun! That's for sure!!!
Hi there I am back from surgery and I got the block,still cant feel my foot which is a good thing I guess.I now have a splint and in bed with my foot on 2 pillows.I started on the pain medication but it's hurting my stomach and i haven't eaten anything in a while. I hope it's not that bad when the block wears off. How are you feeling? Did you get the hard cast yet?
Stay medicated whatever you do!!! The block was awesome, but if you are not medicated when it wears off you will feel like you are in surgery without pain killers. I unfortunately learned that the excruciatingly hard way. I am 2 weeks out of surgery now. I feel better, but am still on prescription pain meds for the pain. I do have my hard cast on now. It is waaaaaay more comfortable than the splint and a lot lighter.
Hi there how are you feeling?Hows the cast? I can't wait to get out of the splint,its sooo heavy,bulky and uncomfortable! The pain has subsided for the most part,still swollen and hurts after it's propped up all morning and i put it down and all the blood rushes,OUCH!
I'm doing better. On a little less pain med. How about you? How did you break yours?
Hi there,pain is still there and I don't even feel like leaving the house. It took forever to take a bath and it's just so frustrating that I can't do much on my own.I can't wait to get the splint off and get my cast on Monday I really hate this splint.Does it hurt when they put the cast on?Everyone want's me to get a blue one,lol.As weird as it may seem all of this was caused by me stepping off a curb and landing on my ankle the wrong way and my body weight coming down on it.
Ouch!! Yeah, it's a real bummer to not be able to be on it. How long do you have to stay off of it? I think I thought I would be able to get up and around on my crutches faster, but then you have no hands, so you might as well stay seated. Thank goodness for laptops! It didn't really hurt when they put the cast on thank goodness! I took pain meds before I went though, which I would suggest. Take your camera phone too so you can gross people out. :) My cast dude wouldn't let me have any other color but green since I had to have stitches. He said that if the incision bled, it is hard to see because the other colors are too dark. Hopefully, yours won't be as strict about it. I couldn't talk him into purple. You will be so glad to get that bulky splint off and get into a cast. It's way more comfortable!
Hey I just got back from the doctor and sporting a blue cast,not sure how my wife talked me into this one,I just wanted plain white! Anyway it looks gross,just like yours and the doctor swears it will get better and won't look like that forever but I was surprised at how gross and swollen it was. When she put my foot in the right position to cast it I almost yelled it hurt so much but you were right it feels much better now that it's in the cast and I feel more secure. My sock doesn't fit over the cast,what do you do?lol I have to stay off it for now and I go back in 2 weeks for a checkup and see how it's doing and maybe go into a walking cast.How are you feeling by the way?
That's cool that they gave you a blue cast! I'm a little jealous tho! They wouldn't let me have any other color. :) Wow! You might go into a boot in 2 weeks? I'm jealous of that too! I go back Sept. 30 to possibly get put into a boot, but the prediction for me to be walking around on my boot is mid-Oct. I'm starting to feel a little better, but have MAJOR cabin fever!!! I cannot wait to walk!!!! The pain is still severe enough for prescription pain meds, but I've cut those in half. We'll see... Are you still on heavy pain killers?
Don't be a hater,lol. The blue is a little loud for me and i don't know how well it will match with my suits when i go back to work but thats life. Thats weird that you couldn't get a different color,let me see what your green cast looks like,lol.It all depends on how the healing is they probably just wanted to get me out of the office so they said maybe I can get the boot. Even when i get it I will still be on crutches and only allowed to take it off and shower! I am still on the heavy pain meds,I tried to go off them last night but i woke up in pain and I guess I am not used to sleeping with the cast yet.
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