Audree is sick with (look on H)
Back from camping and had a BLAST!
Crutches are a thing of the past
Daylight is less and less which means winter is coming :(
Emily told a story about a weeny, but meant genie, FUNNY
Family is the best! Thank you mom, Penny, and everyone else for taking such great care of the girls and me!
Gwen, my mom is the BEST and has been taking incredible care of me and the girls for almost 3 months!
Indian camping with the family was so fun!!!!!!!!
Jake and I are officially minivan owners
Kids are the best and make life so interesting and fun
Late night reruns are the best
Midnight Hike was hard on crutches, I made it all the way to the trailhead :)
Northview's Grand Opening was last weekend and it was AMAZING!
Overeating and sitting still for 3 1/2 months means + 32 pounds (not looking forward to Jan. 1)
Physical Therapy is something I will start soon
Quiet at 4 am is desirable these days
Ribs at the campout were DELICIOUS - Thanks Dad
Scooters, especially knee scooters, are fun! Except when you fall off of them!
Thanksgiving Day parade is coming up! Yahoo!
Understanding and completely planning out your life almost never works out like you think it will
Vomit all over me from Audree
Withdrawals from percocet are not fun at all
Xmas is coming! (Sorry if I offend some of you with the X, but X actually means Christ in Greek.)
Yes, this has been a rough year, and I'm looking forward to starting a new one!
Zebra print wrapping paper is what I will be using this year
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
New Post
K, I have been so bad lately. I have so much to post about, yet haven't. I'll have to tell you all about my adventures soon.......
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Put One Foot in Front of the Other
I had my dr. appt. today and guess what.... I will be fully walking in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!! I will be joining the ranks of the walking and am so excited!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
History is Made Nov. 4, 2008
Today was a big day for everyone.... The lines were out the doors, wrapped around, and crazy at all of the polls. People were passionately casting a vote based on their morals and pocket books. A decision was made in our country that would make history.
But that is not the history I am talking about....
The Elder's are officially MINIVAN PEOPLE as of tonight! That's right we bought a minivan...... So the history here people, is that I am now officially a grown up. I know that nearing the age of 30 should bring that realization to light, but it really is the MINIVAN that will change the way I view myself. I am an official grown up!
History people! History! :)
But that is not the history I am talking about....
The Elder's are officially MINIVAN PEOPLE as of tonight! That's right we bought a minivan...... So the history here people, is that I am now officially a grown up. I know that nearing the age of 30 should bring that realization to light, but it really is the MINIVAN that will change the way I view myself. I am an official grown up!
History people! History! :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I love Halloween
K, I am still working on getting pics up, but I have to say that Halloween is so much fun! My girls got so much candy!!! Holy Cow! I guess I'll have to eat some of it!! Okay, most of it!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I've Returned to Earth
Okay, I took a little break from blogging, but I think it is time to get it back into gear again! I'll get you as caught up as I can... :)
I went to Houston so that my parents could help me with the girls! Thanks Daddo and Mom! We had a great time. Got to do a little crutch shopping with my mom, color with Emily, swim with my sister, go to a Halloween Party at Walmart on a motorized cart, visit a church, see the craziness of Galveston, and oh yeah ALMOST GET KILLED ON A MOTORCYCLE! :) Let's just say my dad scared me half to death a couple of times! It was a really fun ride I have to admit. I even got to see where the TV station in some small remote town was located at, or they were trying to communicate with aliens, either one.
Alright, I will get back to regular posting, and when I find my phone, I'll start tweeting again as well. I'll try to post Halloween pics soon!
I went to Houston so that my parents could help me with the girls! Thanks Daddo and Mom! We had a great time. Got to do a little crutch shopping with my mom, color with Emily, swim with my sister, go to a Halloween Party at Walmart on a motorized cart, visit a church, see the craziness of Galveston, and oh yeah ALMOST GET KILLED ON A MOTORCYCLE! :) Let's just say my dad scared me half to death a couple of times! It was a really fun ride I have to admit. I even got to see where the TV station in some small remote town was located at, or they were trying to communicate with aliens, either one.
Alright, I will get back to regular posting, and when I find my phone, I'll start tweeting again as well. I'll try to post Halloween pics soon!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Good Times
Alright. Jake and I got back from visiting family in AR today, right in time for rehearsal. We had such a good time. I'll have to post pics of the safari ride we went on. We also celebrated Jake's mom's birthday yesterday!! Happy Birthday Penny!! Jake's uncle Rodger made a surprise visit as well! Hi Uncle Rodger. He antagonized Emily and Emily loved it! I'll post pics of our trip soon.
Mon. morning we are leaving for Houston. I will be flying with a broken ankle and both girls. It will be a memorable experience to say the least. Can't wait to see my parents though!!!
Mon. morning we are leaving for Houston. I will be flying with a broken ankle and both girls. It will be a memorable experience to say the least. Can't wait to see my parents though!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Busy Day Today
Wow! It was a busy day today. I got up early, went to the church, did a Bible Study (I love you girls), went to a luncheon, came back to the church, and then went to a dinner meeting with my great friends. I of course enjoyed all, or almost all :), of these things, but I AM WASTED!!!
My foot feels like it is about to fall off. It almost feels like a broke it or something!
My foot feels like it is about to fall off. It almost feels like a broke it or something!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Not for Kids Ears, ****
Okay, so Emily and I were sitting on the couch. The TV was on in the background while we read "Barney and Baby Bop Go to the Restaurant." While we were sitting here, these phrases all came on just regular network TV.
Oh my God.
Oh God.
H E double hockey sticks
A double S
Shut Up
Wow! Luckily she wasn't paying attention, but I have to say that I am pretty proud of her because she pointed out a few and that they shouldn't be saying those, and we were able to discuss them. Guess I've gotta turn the TV off!!!
Oh my God.
Oh God.
H E double hockey sticks
A double S
Shut Up
Wow! Luckily she wasn't paying attention, but I have to say that I am pretty proud of her because she pointed out a few and that they shouldn't be saying those, and we were able to discuss them. Guess I've gotta turn the TV off!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Super Sunday
Today is officially a super Sunday. We went to McDonalds for breakfast, then Northview for church, then BFC for a baby dedication, then Swadleys, came home and took naps, sorted through garage sale stuff, and are off to a preteen party now!!! Wow! Can we fit anything else in? :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Perfect Day
Oh my goodness! Today was PERFECT!!! I sat outside in my backyard in the glorious sun as the wind blew. When I closed my eyes, I pretended like I was on the beach. The sun felt so good and the wind sounded like waves and felt like the beach. It was INCREDIBLE!!!
I was sitting here having one of my pity parties, which has become a fairly common thing in my life right now. It is definitely NOT something I am proud of. Anyway, I was looking for answers, encouragement, anything feeling desperate to shake this feeling of depression. I read Romans 8 from the Message, and it helped me look up tonight instead of in.
If you have a chance, take the time to read it. This is the kind of optimistic outlook on life that I strive to have. I have a very obvious physical problem that is leading to lots of emotional stuff, but I know everyone has something that is just weighing them down that is probably invisible to those around us. Anyway, really take time to read this and let me know if it encouraged you like it did me!!!!
If you have a chance, take the time to read it. This is the kind of optimistic outlook on life that I strive to have. I have a very obvious physical problem that is leading to lots of emotional stuff, but I know everyone has something that is just weighing them down that is probably invisible to those around us. Anyway, really take time to read this and let me know if it encouraged you like it did me!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. With that being said...
I know, you are shocked. Okay, I'm fooling myself, you already knew this. I am probably the last one to admit this to myself. :) But....admitting it is the first step. I'm not sure what it is the first step to, but it is the first step.
I am insane because I wake up every morning totally shocked that I can't walk. I mean it has been 2 months and a day since my accident, and I literally start every day with "oh my goodness, I can't walk!"
Shew!!! I feel much better getting that off my chest. You all know my deep dark secret now, I can't hide any longer. I, Amber Lachelle Elder, am insane! :)
I know, you are shocked. Okay, I'm fooling myself, you already knew this. I am probably the last one to admit this to myself. :) But....admitting it is the first step. I'm not sure what it is the first step to, but it is the first step.
I am insane because I wake up every morning totally shocked that I can't walk. I mean it has been 2 months and a day since my accident, and I literally start every day with "oh my goodness, I can't walk!"
Shew!!! I feel much better getting that off my chest. You all know my deep dark secret now, I can't hide any longer. I, Amber Lachelle Elder, am insane! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Shop Til You Drop Baby!
I am in Dallas with my possy and let me tell you there is something to be said about retail therapy. It works!!! We went to Canton yesterday and thanks to our shopping expert, April, we got some fun stuff!!! We are on our way to IKEA and then Sprinkles and I spent so much money at Canton that I am actually going to have to borrow money because I already spent mine!!! Sorry Jake!!! Off to IKEA!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"
"Bet your bottom dollar"
Okay, that song has been going through my head as I am struggling today, so I thought I better think positively, though it goes against every grain in my being right now. Really though, it's not that hard. I've got a lot to be thankful for.
Okay, that song has been going through my head as I am struggling today, so I thought I better think positively, though it goes against every grain in my being right now. Really though, it's not that hard. I've got a lot to be thankful for.
- Emily is reading some words!!!!
- Audree is standing for like 10 seconds completely on her own.
- I have the sweetest husband who takes good care of me.
- My mom is the best!! I wish I could describe for everyone what she is doing for us!!!
- My cast is off which means I will be able to sleep a lot more comfortably tonight than I have been!
- I got to eat at Texas Roadhouse tonight, one of my favorite places!!!
- I have to sit, but I get to sit on my new chair and ottoman.
- I get to watch Frasier tonight.
- I have the best family ever!
- I have the best friends ever!
- I have the best job ever!
- The weather is INCREDIBLE!
- I get to go to Dallas with my girlfriends and go SHOPPING in 5 days!! Can I get an Amen girls?! (Thank you Amy for arranging this!!!!)
Okay, so I feel a little better at the moment!
Good News, Gross News, and Bad News
Thank you so much for your prayers. I had my appointment today.
Good news - I got my cast off and am into a boot! :)
Gross News - I can braid my leg hairs! :P
Bad news- I can't walk on it for 6 more weeks! :(
Needless to say, I am pretty bummed today! If you could keep me in your prayers, please. My worse case scenerio was that I couldn't walk for 2 more weeks, so when they told me 6 weeks, I was pretty much in MAJOR SHOCK!
Why do I have a boot but can't walk? I can put a little bit of pressure on the boot using my crutches for a few minutes each day and have to do excersizes that I couldn't do with a cast to build strength, but that is it. There is improvement, just not as far as what I can do physically. It totally stinks!!! I thought that getting into a boot meant walking within a week or 2. Apparently that is not the case!!!! STINK!!!
Good news - I got my cast off and am into a boot! :)
Gross News - I can braid my leg hairs! :P
Bad news- I can't walk on it for 6 more weeks! :(
Needless to say, I am pretty bummed today! If you could keep me in your prayers, please. My worse case scenerio was that I couldn't walk for 2 more weeks, so when they told me 6 weeks, I was pretty much in MAJOR SHOCK!
Why do I have a boot but can't walk? I can put a little bit of pressure on the boot using my crutches for a few minutes each day and have to do excersizes that I couldn't do with a cast to build strength, but that is it. There is improvement, just not as far as what I can do physically. It totally stinks!!! I thought that getting into a boot meant walking within a week or 2. Apparently that is not the case!!!! STINK!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Message
To be honest, I'm really struggling tonight. I'm needing to let go of a lot of bitterness toward someone that has really hurt and betrayed me in the worst way! Let me tell you it is HARD! I am so tempted to allow hate to enter into my life, and I am praying everything in my power to steer away from hate. It is evil and will ruin my life! I went to Psalms for empathy and encouragement. Here is one that I am going to hold on to for the next couple of days!
Psalm 16
Psalm 16
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hurricane Education By My Daddo
Hurricane Education: What I've learned after Hurricane Ike . . .
1. Frozen dinners and pot pies can be cooked on a BBQ grill.
2. No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work without electricity.
3. My truck gets 16.21675 miles per gallon, EXACTLY (you can ask the people in line at the gas station who helped me push it).
4. Cats are even more irritating without power.
5. There are a lot more stars in the sky than most people thought.
6. TV is an addiction and the withdrawal symptoms are painful.
7. There are a lot of dang trees around here.
8. Flood plane drawings on some mortgage documents were seriously wrong..
9. People will get into a line that has already formed without having any idea what the line is for.
10. When required, a car will float, doesn't steer well but floats just the same.
11. 27 of your neighbors are fed from a different transformer than you, and they are quick to point that out!
12. Clothes hampers were not made to contain such a volume.
13. If I had a store that sold only ice, chainsaws, gas and generators... I'd be rich.
14. Price of a can of soup rises 200% in a storm.
15. Mayor Bill White knows a few cuss words. (Ask the FEMA worker in charge of the distribution point that didn't send the supply trucks out on time when the Mayor showed up for an inspection. Bill's gonna have to explain that one to his Sunday School students)
16. Linemen sleep in their trucks (So they can keep their per diem money. With regular and overtime pay that's about $8,000 a paycheck....NET! Sweet.)
17. Your relatives in other places have more fun than you do after a hurricane. Hurricane? What hurricane?
18. Fallen trees and damaged buildings everywhere just don't look weird anymore.
19. Spam is really not that bad!
20. I hate chainsaws!
1. Frozen dinners and pot pies can be cooked on a BBQ grill.
2. No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work without electricity.
3. My truck gets 16.21675 miles per gallon, EXACTLY (you can ask the people in line at the gas station who helped me push it).
4. Cats are even more irritating without power.
5. There are a lot more stars in the sky than most people thought.
6. TV is an addiction and the withdrawal symptoms are painful.
7. There are a lot of dang trees around here.
8. Flood plane drawings on some mortgage documents were seriously wrong..
9. People will get into a line that has already formed without having any idea what the line is for.
10. When required, a car will float, doesn't steer well but floats just the same.
11. 27 of your neighbors are fed from a different transformer than you, and they are quick to point that out!
12. Clothes hampers were not made to contain such a volume.
13. If I had a store that sold only ice, chainsaws, gas and generators... I'd be rich.
14. Price of a can of soup rises 200% in a storm.
15. Mayor Bill White knows a few cuss words. (Ask the FEMA worker in charge of the distribution point that didn't send the supply trucks out on time when the Mayor showed up for an inspection. Bill's gonna have to explain that one to his Sunday School students)
16. Linemen sleep in their trucks (So they can keep their per diem money. With regular and overtime pay that's about $8,000 a paycheck....NET! Sweet.)
17. Your relatives in other places have more fun than you do after a hurricane. Hurricane? What hurricane?
18. Fallen trees and damaged buildings everywhere just don't look weird anymore.
19. Spam is really not that bad!
20. I hate chainsaws!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Real Life Church
I got to teach the Elementary girls tonight. I really loooove teaching!! We had soooo much fun and I love seeing them excited about being at church!!! We started talking about the upcoming Trunk or Treat and Northview Jones weekend, and they couldn't wait to invite their friends!!!! I mean isn't it great being in a church where kids want to bring their friends?!?!?!?! They were naming friends that had a rough time and said that they wanted to bring those friends so that they could have fun and feel better!!!!
Also, it is AMAZING to have so many youth serving and leading our kids. If you want to see a picture of real life kingdom growth, come see our kids learn and the youth of Northview serve!!! You can't miss it!!!! They are being brought up in a culture that is really about living out the Great Commission!!!! The status quo of gossip, rules, religion, and politics in church isn't acceptable at all to them!!!! Church is not a game or social club to them, it is a place where people are brought to Christ and learn to be disciples!!!! Imagine what church will look like in generations to come if kids are brought up expecting real life to occur at church!!!
Also, it is AMAZING to have so many youth serving and leading our kids. If you want to see a picture of real life kingdom growth, come see our kids learn and the youth of Northview serve!!! You can't miss it!!!! They are being brought up in a culture that is really about living out the Great Commission!!!! The status quo of gossip, rules, religion, and politics in church isn't acceptable at all to them!!!! Church is not a game or social club to them, it is a place where people are brought to Christ and learn to be disciples!!!! Imagine what church will look like in generations to come if kids are brought up expecting real life to occur at church!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Politics, Weekends, and Rest
K, who all watched the debate? It was very interesting, not surprising, but interesting. I thought they both got their points across. I have decided who I am voting on based on the pro-life issue, so I, of course, think that McCain won! :) What did you think of the debate?
Now for the important stuff. THE WEEKEND!!! I am longing for some REST this weekend. Not that I haven't been able to get some, but there is just something different mentally when it's the weekend!
Oh yeah, I have my next Dr. appt. on Tues. I need as many of you as can to PRAY that I get the cast off and get into a boot!!!!! I have my hopes up and I am going to be soooooo disappointed if I don't get this green cast off!!!!!!!!!! :)
Now for the important stuff. THE WEEKEND!!! I am longing for some REST this weekend. Not that I haven't been able to get some, but there is just something different mentally when it's the weekend!
Oh yeah, I have my next Dr. appt. on Tues. I need as many of you as can to PRAY that I get the cast off and get into a boot!!!!! I have my hopes up and I am going to be soooooo disappointed if I don't get this green cast off!!!!!!!!!! :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
By Myself
Weird! I have found myself at home by myself tonight. I don't think I like it. I know I should enjoy it, but it's just strange. Maybe I'll put the computer down, lay down on the couch, and relax.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Parent Teacher Conference
Jake and I went to Emily's first parent teacher conference of the year. I love being the parent in a parent teacher conference! I'm so proud of Emmy! She is kind and respectful to her teacher and others!!! She also can identify all upper and lower case letters, give all of her personal information, and is even reading a few words!!! I had fun teaching her sight words and "Frog Jump" capitals tonight! Wow! I can't believe my baby girl is starting to read and write!!!!! It feels like she was just born. I love my girls!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Comments, Comments, Comments
K, you all are AWESOME!!!! I love getting comments.... Here are my responses to the comments from my last post.....
1. I don't stink, and I shower more than once a week. I think Jake is the one that smells!!!! :)
2. False Assumptions - I never make any. Ha! Ha! Like the one where I assumed that if I slammed the brakes, I could stop. Oops, instead IT BROKE MY ANKLE!!!
3. helmut = pain meds
4. Dad - I think we are more pathetic than you without mom at this point. Emily and Jake were begging for mom to come back!!! We are gonna have to fight over her. :) Actually, we want you to come up here soon!!!
5. I DON'T SMELL FUNNY! Jake just has someone to blame it on, but you guys already know that if you know my husband. :)
6. LOVED Lars and the Real Girl and would recommend everyone watching it!!!
You all are GREAT. Jake - You need to be nice to me. :)
1. I don't stink, and I shower more than once a week. I think Jake is the one that smells!!!! :)
2. False Assumptions - I never make any. Ha! Ha! Like the one where I assumed that if I slammed the brakes, I could stop. Oops, instead IT BROKE MY ANKLE!!!
3. helmut = pain meds
4. Dad - I think we are more pathetic than you without mom at this point. Emily and Jake were begging for mom to come back!!! We are gonna have to fight over her. :) Actually, we want you to come up here soon!!!
5. I DON'T SMELL FUNNY! Jake just has someone to blame it on, but you guys already know that if you know my husband. :)
6. LOVED Lars and the Real Girl and would recommend everyone watching it!!!
You all are GREAT. Jake - You need to be nice to me. :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Last Few Days
Hi All!
K, sorry to disappoint! I have taken a break from the computer, and I know some of you are worried about me. :) I know, I went from posting 3 a day to skipping a few days. Actually, the lack of sleep I had been getting was really getting to me, and I have just been resting up.
A few updates till tomorrow....
Till tomorrow....
K, sorry to disappoint! I have taken a break from the computer, and I know some of you are worried about me. :) I know, I went from posting 3 a day to skipping a few days. Actually, the lack of sleep I had been getting was really getting to me, and I have just been resting up.
A few updates till tomorrow....
- Audree did great with her tubes, she was very mad, but feels good now.
- Emily had her school carnival and took her friend Dax. They are sooooo cute. They both said they "missded each other! "
- Got new furniture!!! I seriously have been waiting 8 years for it!!!
- Am still in my cast trying to not go crazy!!!
- Am about to watch "Lars and the Real Girl" with Jake.
Till tomorrow....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"I Guess I'll Eat a Worm"
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
I guess I'll eat a worm,
Big ones,
Fat ones,
Little ones,
Skinny ones,
I guess I'll eat a worm!
This is the song that my mom used to sing to me when I was feeling sorry for myself growing up. It usually made me laugh and cheered me up, sometimes it egged me on. :)
As of right now, I've snapped out of my funk! And I'm gonna "just be positive, positive, don't be negative, negative!" Okay, I'll admit that I've lost it, but at least I've lost it and am happy.
Let's see...
Emily's school had a Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser night tonight. Each child got a sticker that promised them 10 free tokens if they took it with them, and Chuck E. Cheese actually made an appearance at the school. Brilliant!!! On a Tues. night, Chuck E. Cheese was full of kids who high fived Chuck E. Cheese in the hallway at school. I actually really had a great time!! I love watching kids, especially my own, get so excited about simple things, in this case pizza and games.
Oh yes, Audree cut her first tooth today!!!!!
Pray for my baby girl as she gets tubes put in her ears tomorrow morning at 8 am. I know it is a fairly simple and common procedure, but my baby is having surgery.
One more thing....thanks for all of the encouragement yesterday and today. It was needed!!!
Everybody hates me,
I guess I'll eat a worm,
Big ones,
Fat ones,
Little ones,
Skinny ones,
I guess I'll eat a worm!
This is the song that my mom used to sing to me when I was feeling sorry for myself growing up. It usually made me laugh and cheered me up, sometimes it egged me on. :)
As of right now, I've snapped out of my funk! And I'm gonna "just be positive, positive, don't be negative, negative!" Okay, I'll admit that I've lost it, but at least I've lost it and am happy.
Let's see...
Emily's school had a Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser night tonight. Each child got a sticker that promised them 10 free tokens if they took it with them, and Chuck E. Cheese actually made an appearance at the school. Brilliant!!! On a Tues. night, Chuck E. Cheese was full of kids who high fived Chuck E. Cheese in the hallway at school. I actually really had a great time!! I love watching kids, especially my own, get so excited about simple things, in this case pizza and games.
Oh yes, Audree cut her first tooth today!!!!!
Pray for my baby girl as she gets tubes put in her ears tomorrow morning at 8 am. I know it is a fairly simple and common procedure, but my baby is having surgery.
One more thing....thanks for all of the encouragement yesterday and today. It was needed!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
K, not feeling so great
Okay enough is enough!!! I am not in a look at all of the blessings in life mood! My leg hurts and I can't walk, can't take care of my babies, have a throat infection, dealing with some other stuff that frustrates me!!!! I feel like I am totally worthless right now!!!! Urg!!!! Definitely on the dip in the roller coaster ride today!!!! I have been off my feet for 39 days and have oh probably 27 more to go!!!! Then physical therapy!!!!!!!! I know I need to count my blessings and it could have been worse, but I'm just not in that kind of mood. I know nothing good can come out of self pity, but I sure am in a bout of it right now!!!
Thank goodness for my husband and mom!!! Hopefully I will feel better about life tomorrow, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. Maybe some good old fashion sleep would help. Oh wait! I have a sleepless baby!
K, I will try to change my attitude tomorrow!!!
Thank goodness for my husband and mom!!! Hopefully I will feel better about life tomorrow, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. Maybe some good old fashion sleep would help. Oh wait! I have a sleepless baby!
K, I will try to change my attitude tomorrow!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Abusing God's Word
Okay, my babies are both sick. They are puking, have fevers, and sore throats AKA strep. Oh yeah, Audree has another ear infection, but I've just come accustomed to the fact that she always does. Seriously I've lost count! She is having tubes Thursday! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! Anyway, all of that to say that I watched church on TV today instead of going! Bummer cause I really love the series and message that our Pastor is giving!!!!!
Anyway, I watched this pastor on tv this morning use and abuse what the Bible said and the worse part is he had an audience. I literally sat and typed what he said because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I won't give you the whole sermon, but let me highlight and summarize a few things he said.
Do you think God wants us to love Him and give to Him so that we can use Him to receive financial gain? I don't know about you, but I prefer not to have friends that like me because of what I can give them. I have had them and they suck! Those friends are the most deceitful and hurtful to me to tell you the truth! I have been used by a friend to help them get what they want and I am still bitter that their intentions of our friendship had ulterior motives behind them!
I know that I want people to love me just because. They love me, respect me, do things for me just because..... I also am friends with others because I love them and respect them. I want to do things for them just for the pure intention of bringing them joy and hang out with them just cause I like to. That is my interpretation of the relationship that Christ wants with me. I give because I love him so much and I want the blessings of that to be kingdom growth not financial gain!!!! I am blessed just because God loves me!
Let me tell you how I really feel! :)
Anyway, I watched this pastor on tv this morning use and abuse what the Bible said and the worse part is he had an audience. I literally sat and typed what he said because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I won't give you the whole sermon, but let me highlight and summarize a few things he said.
- It was the whole give to receive in this lifetime sermon.
- God blessed him with designer clothes and he has so many people buy him clothes he has the tags hanging off of some.
- He said if you give to God (AKA his ministry) now, you will receive blessings 100 fold
- He said "Some may say that they do not believe that you don't give to receive financial blessings then I have one song for them" "How dumb thou art, How dumb thou art" He literally broke out into song!
- If you don't believe the scripture that says "Give and you shall receive" than why bother believing John 3:16 or anything else the Bible says?
- If you are going to doubt the Bible wouldn't you rather doubt the bad like hell than verses about receiving blessings?
- These are just some of what he said!!! It was a good 30 minutes worth of this nonsense!
- I'm gonna pray this prayer of blessing and a miracle for 1,000 of you. 1,000 of you to give 1,000 in 90 days.
- I'm gonna pray that 1. you will receive financial blessing 2. you will have a debt free house 3. that God will send someone in your life that has seen that you have given and invest in your life and give to you financially. He elaborated on this point by saying you don't have to have everyone like you just one person that has the resources to invest in your life
- The end times are coming and you want to have a debt free house more now than ever, so be 1 of the 1,000 that will receive that blessing and give today. (A definite fear tactic.)
- It may be from a bonus you recieve or if a love one passes away and leaves something in a will.
Do you think God wants us to love Him and give to Him so that we can use Him to receive financial gain? I don't know about you, but I prefer not to have friends that like me because of what I can give them. I have had them and they suck! Those friends are the most deceitful and hurtful to me to tell you the truth! I have been used by a friend to help them get what they want and I am still bitter that their intentions of our friendship had ulterior motives behind them!
I know that I want people to love me just because. They love me, respect me, do things for me just because..... I also am friends with others because I love them and respect them. I want to do things for them just for the pure intention of bringing them joy and hang out with them just cause I like to. That is my interpretation of the relationship that Christ wants with me. I give because I love him so much and I want the blessings of that to be kingdom growth not financial gain!!!! I am blessed just because God loves me!
Let me tell you how I really feel! :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I'm Hanging Out in My Chair with My Green Cast
Really, that has been my life for over a month now! If you talk to me, anytime, email me anytime, there is about a 90% chance when you ask me what I am doing I will say the title of this blog. :)
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR MY FAMILY!!!!! They survived! They do not have power and many trees have come to the end of their lives, but my family is safe and sound!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Next, I have to admit that I have no life, but I must say "THANK YOU LORD FOR LAPTOPS!!!!!" I do have quite a virtual life right now. :)
Seriously, I'm not bored one bit!!!! Jake set a printer up for me, TV trays all around me, and I've gotten more work done than I ever have!!!
Other things I've been able to do because I literally can't move....
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR MY FAMILY!!!!! They survived! They do not have power and many trees have come to the end of their lives, but my family is safe and sound!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Next, I have to admit that I have no life, but I must say "THANK YOU LORD FOR LAPTOPS!!!!!" I do have quite a virtual life right now. :)
Seriously, I'm not bored one bit!!!! Jake set a printer up for me, TV trays all around me, and I've gotten more work done than I ever have!!!
Other things I've been able to do because I literally can't move....
- create this blog
- create another blog about Craig Groeschel's book "It" check it out :)
- keep up with other people's blogs
- make a million more friends on facebook
- learn the new facebook - Dude, I'm really trying to stay positive and keep repeating to myself "change is not bad, I just have to get used to it!" Can I get an AMEN!?!
- planned NVKids' series through the end of Oct. and began into Nov. (if you know me I am usually just trying to keep up week to week)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Top 10 Ways a Hurricane is Like Christmas

Number Ten:
Decorating the house (with plywood).
Number Nine:
Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season.
Number Eight:
Last minute shopping in crowded stores.
Number Seven:
Regular TV shows pre-empted for 'Specials'.
Number Six:
Family coming to stay with you.
Number Five:
Family and friends from out of state calling you.
Number Four:
Buying food you don't normally buy . . . and in large quantities.
Number Three:
Days off from work.
Number Two:
And the Number One reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas:
At some point you're probably going to have a tree in your house!
By: My Daddo
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What were YOU doing on 9/11 ?
Wow! Can you even believe that it is 9/11 ?
I was sitting in my 2nd grade classroom when I learned about the horrific events of the day. It was before the kids got there and all of us teachers were in the library around the TV. It was awful. The bell rang and we had to go back to class and pretend that everything was fine in order to not scare the kids. It was a nauseating day. We had a TV in the lunch room where I remember watching the towers fall. By the end of the day I think I had maybe 8 of my 24 kids left in my classroom. I remember about 3 days of pure mourning with the nation. I, along with Jake, were glued to the TV watching the planes hit and towers fall over and over and over again!
What were YOU doing when you found out? Please make comments!
I was sitting in my 2nd grade classroom when I learned about the horrific events of the day. It was before the kids got there and all of us teachers were in the library around the TV. It was awful. The bell rang and we had to go back to class and pretend that everything was fine in order to not scare the kids. It was a nauseating day. We had a TV in the lunch room where I remember watching the towers fall. By the end of the day I think I had maybe 8 of my 24 kids left in my classroom. I remember about 3 days of pure mourning with the nation. I, along with Jake, were glued to the TV watching the planes hit and towers fall over and over and over again!
What were YOU doing when you found out? Please make comments!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I've Got People!
I just have to say that I've got people! I mean I've got awesome people surrounding me!!! I've got an awesome family! I've got awesome friends who have my back when times get tough!!! I've got awesome coworkers who actually fall into the friend category!!!!
When I think about having a rich life this is what I think of!!! I am wealthy in life because of "my peeps." SERIOUSLY!!!!! You all know who you are, and you are AWESOME!!!!!!
When I think about having a rich life this is what I think of!!! I am wealthy in life because of "my peeps." SERIOUSLY!!!!! You all know who you are, and you are AWESOME!!!!!!
Ecc 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who
falls and has no one to help him up!
5 - # of times I've used the word AWESOME! :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Craig Groeschel Signed My Cast
Okay, so I went to a conference today and the speaker was Life Church's pastor, and author of the book IT, Craig Groeschel. I think he is so AWESOME!!! He is real, genuine, and I truly feel like he is a regular guy being used by God to do INCREDIBLE things!!! It's funny though because I had a small conversation with him about my accident and felt like I just talked to a celebrity! I also saw him signing autographs, so I went up to him and had him sign my cast. I was doing it to be silly, but I really got a little star struck and think it is so cool!!!!
Message for Craig:
If by some chance you ever read my blog, Craig, (you know in your spare time) I just wanted to let you know that your humbleness, passion, and transparency to be used by CHRIST is refreshing and contagious!!!! I can't wait for God to take what He has taught you and apply it to my own life and ministry!!!
Message for Craig:
If by some chance you ever read my blog, Craig, (you know in your spare time) I just wanted to let you know that your humbleness, passion, and transparency to be used by CHRIST is refreshing and contagious!!!! I can't wait for God to take what He has taught you and apply it to my own life and ministry!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
"Where does liberty live?"
"Where God Reigns as King"
"Oh, Satan can deceive us into believing so many lies. He can use our human nature against us to turn our thoughts inward and twist our understanding of what we see. But when the glowing light of God's Word is alive in our prayer life, His unchanging love, His total forgiveness, His tender hand, and His big-picture guidance can cut through the distortions and leave us standing in the warmth of true peace and hope."
"Virtually every stronghold involves the worship of some kind of idol. The stronghold of pride....self. ...addiction....some kind of substance or habit. In one way or another, something else has become "god" in our lives, the object of our chief focus."
"Until we turn from our idols to the one true God, we will never find liberty. One missing link in almost every captive life is the Spirit of God's lordship."
"Oh, Satan can deceive us into believing so many lies. He can use our human nature against us to turn our thoughts inward and twist our understanding of what we see. But when the glowing light of God's Word is alive in our prayer life, His unchanging love, His total forgiveness, His tender hand, and His big-picture guidance can cut through the distortions and leave us standing in the warmth of true peace and hope."
"Virtually every stronghold involves the worship of some kind of idol. The stronghold of pride....self. ...addiction....some kind of substance or habit. In one way or another, something else has become "god" in our lives, the object of our chief focus."
"Until we turn from our idols to the one true God, we will never find liberty. One missing link in almost every captive life is the Spirit of God's lordship."
-Beth Moore, Praying God's Word
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Foot is Swollen!
Okay, so my foot is soooo swollen and it doesn't have anywhere to go in this cast!!!! That means the incision is completely pressed up against the cast and it HURTS!!!! Boo hoo for me right? JK!! I know, I know it could be a lot worse, but OUCH!!!!!!
Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I better focus on the GOOD!!!!
Can I just say that God has a way of working things out for the BEST!!!! I mean a couple of weeks ago, I felt like my world was totally turned upside down and all at the same time too!!!! I was hurt physically and even more so emotionally!!!! It's incredible how God can take something terrible and then mend it better than it was the way before!!!!! I've had a chance to really spend quality time with my family and husband with this whole not being able to walk thing that I wouldn't change for the world!!! God has turned things around in other areas and is making them better than they ever have been!!!! He is good and if all I have to complain about is a swollen foot, I better enjoy it while it lasts!!! :)
Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I better focus on the GOOD!!!!
Can I just say that God has a way of working things out for the BEST!!!! I mean a couple of weeks ago, I felt like my world was totally turned upside down and all at the same time too!!!! I was hurt physically and even more so emotionally!!!! It's incredible how God can take something terrible and then mend it better than it was the way before!!!!! I've had a chance to really spend quality time with my family and husband with this whole not being able to walk thing that I wouldn't change for the world!!! God has turned things around in other areas and is making them better than they ever have been!!!! He is good and if all I have to complain about is a swollen foot, I better enjoy it while it lasts!!! :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Girl's Night
I went and played Bunco with a whole bunch of girls tonight and it was so much fun!!!! I ended up having the most Buncos and won a gift card for a pedicure or manicure!!!!!! Wahoo!!! Hopefully, I'll type something with a little more meat in it tomorrow!!!!!
Happy Birthday Daddo!
My Daddo's birthday is today! Happy Birthday Daddo!!!
My mom has been up here for basically the last month taking care of me and the girls since I can't really do anything!!!! It has been great for me, but my dad and my sister from Houston, are threatening to break their own limbs in order to get her back. Ha Ha Ha!!! With this nice weather you will never get her back!!!!!!! :)
For my dad's birthday, I sent him mom!!!! She was sent via aircraft at 13:46.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
You Go Girl!
Oh my goodness!! Anyone else catch Palin's speech? Whoo! She is a "hockey mom"! I am such a fan and admirer!!!! I would love to see my daughter's give a speech like that some day!!!!! Till tomorrow, it's getting late....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Green Cast

So.....I went to my doctor today and got into my cast. It is actually way more comfortable than that splint!!! I'm so bummed though because I really wanted a purple cast. Since I had stitches, he said that if it bleeds you cant see it through the purple. My only choices were a dirty looking cream color or green. I picked green. I guess I can deal with it. :)
I did find out that the doctor doesn't think I'll be ready to put weight on it until mid October. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello, can we say.....
broken ankle + 4 year old + 8 month old + children's director = FRUSTRATION
Thank goodness for my mom, Jake's mom, Dana and everyone else that has been taking care of me!!!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bad Dreams and After Nap Funk
Have you ever had one of those bad dreams where you are actually a little upset with the people in your dream? I did. I woke up from one of those afternoon naps that you actually feel worse after. I also woke up mad at a few people! I better keep reminding myself that it was only a dream! I better get out of my funk, so I can enjoy the rest of the day!
Nap Time
I think I need to take a nap. Yes, I said need. I know that Jake and the girls might actually agree with me if they are going off of the "grouch-o-meter." :) Hopefully, I will wake up and be pleasant and happy!!! :)
Labor Day and the Best Daddy!
And here Labor Day begins. It's been great for me. Not being able to walk, makes it truly Labor free for me. I am being waited on hand and foot. Can't complain, or I shouldn't anyways. :)
My poor husband on the otherhand....not so much!!!! I actually feel very sorry for him! He is taking care of me and the girls, and trying to host our company. It is also passed time to mow the grass, so while Audree is sleeping, he is mowing the grass. Definitely laboring.
Okay, so I have to get sappy and off subject now!!! Seriously, I couldn't ask for a better husband for me and daddy to my girls!!!!! He is so sweet and good to me!!! He also is the kind of daddy to my girls who makes time every day to sit down on the floor and play with them. If a day goes by that he can't give them a lot of attention, he makes extra effort the next day to spend time with them!!!! Their eyes light up when he comes home from work!!!!
I can say for sure that my girls growing up will not settle for negative male attention because they get so much positive male attention from their daddy!!!!! They will grow up knowing how they should be treated and what to look for when they are old enough to date and get married. That is my prayer and Jake's prayer of course too. He is actively doing what he can to ensure the best life for our girls and becoming an answer to his own prayer!!!!
I wish everyone a labor-free Labor Day!
My poor husband on the otherhand....not so much!!!! I actually feel very sorry for him! He is taking care of me and the girls, and trying to host our company. It is also passed time to mow the grass, so while Audree is sleeping, he is mowing the grass. Definitely laboring.
Okay, so I have to get sappy and off subject now!!! Seriously, I couldn't ask for a better husband for me and daddy to my girls!!!!! He is so sweet and good to me!!! He also is the kind of daddy to my girls who makes time every day to sit down on the floor and play with them. If a day goes by that he can't give them a lot of attention, he makes extra effort the next day to spend time with them!!!! Their eyes light up when he comes home from work!!!!
I can say for sure that my girls growing up will not settle for negative male attention because they get so much positive male attention from their daddy!!!!! They will grow up knowing how they should be treated and what to look for when they are old enough to date and get married. That is my prayer and Jake's prayer of course too. He is actively doing what he can to ensure the best life for our girls and becoming an answer to his own prayer!!!!
I wish everyone a labor-free Labor Day!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
30 Days Make a Habit
Okay, so I am definitely going to try to make blogging a habit. I have decided to blog at least once everyday. It's kinda like my public diary I guess. I fell asleep and then woke up and decided that I need to blog. I've heard that if you can do something for 30 days in a row it can become a habit. So, blogging is a habit I want to get in to.
I've also heard that to stop a habit, you should replace it with a new habit. As many of you know, my life has been disrupted to say the least. I've been having to give up some old routines and habits not by choice. It's been really hard, but I'm trying to replace those with something good. I would say productive, but I'm not sure I would call blogging productive. :) Good, fun, and theraputic though!
So here I begin my blah, blah ,"blah-g!" [husband edit] Ha! Ha! Get it? Okay, so maybe joking telling should not be the new habit I pick up! :)
I've also heard that to stop a habit, you should replace it with a new habit. As many of you know, my life has been disrupted to say the least. I've been having to give up some old routines and habits not by choice. It's been really hard, but I'm trying to replace those with something good. I would say productive, but I'm not sure I would call blogging productive. :) Good, fun, and theraputic though!
So here I begin my blah, blah ,"blah-g!" [husband edit] Ha! Ha! Get it? Okay, so maybe joking telling should not be the new habit I pick up! :)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Explanation of Rain from a 4 Year Old
My nephew asked, "How does God make rain mommy?"
My sister said, "I don't really know."
He said, "I think when God pees in his pants, he takes them off and wrings them out. That's how he makes rain."
My sister said, "I don't really know."
He said, "I think when God pees in his pants, he takes them off and wrings them out. That's how he makes rain."
Lightening Show
Wow! I am watching the lightening from my living room windows, and it is absolutely beautiful. An awesome show put on by mother nature! It makes you appreciate God's incredible creation!!!
Okay I lied!
Okay, I lied. I am going to talk politics. I can't help it!!!!!
I'm so excited about John McCain's choice for Vice President! Sarah Palin. I think it gives a fresh perspective to the Republican party and maybe a fighting chance for the presidential seat!!!!
One thing that I really like about the Obama's is the obvious priority that they put on their family with young children. The family is where I place my heart and passion right now. Now I can say that Sarah Palin can represent the priority of young families on the Republican side. She has 5 kids, the oldest going to Iraq and the youngest with down syndrome. She knew that the one with down syndrome had it and had the choice of abortion, but chose life instead!!!! She lives what she is about, and I like that!!
She seems to be about what I place high priority on!!!!! I am SO EXCITED AND OPTIMISTIC!!!
I'm so excited about John McCain's choice for Vice President! Sarah Palin. I think it gives a fresh perspective to the Republican party and maybe a fighting chance for the presidential seat!!!!
One thing that I really like about the Obama's is the obvious priority that they put on their family with young children. The family is where I place my heart and passion right now. Now I can say that Sarah Palin can represent the priority of young families on the Republican side. She has 5 kids, the oldest going to Iraq and the youngest with down syndrome. She knew that the one with down syndrome had it and had the choice of abortion, but chose life instead!!!! She lives what she is about, and I like that!!
She seems to be about what I place high priority on!!!!! I am SO EXCITED AND OPTIMISTIC!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
One of my most EMBARRASSING moments
So I had to go to this meeting yesterday that was very intimidating. I didn't no anyone really well, so I felt really uncomfortable going to this meeting in the first place. Since, I broke my ankle, I am wearing this big bulky cast and of course using crutches, so it's hard not to draw attention to myself anyway.
Well, I go into the meeting and say hi to a few people and try to sneak in to sit at a table in the back where I can prop my foot up as inconspicuously as possible. It is hard to not draw some attention to myself because of my situation, but I was trying.
I set up my chairs and put both crutches in one hand. I was trying to balance on one foot to sit down in one chair and prop my foot up on the other. So anyway.... I lost my balance. I knew I was going to fall so I dropped my crutches which made a huge bang on the table. This got everyone's attention.
Everyone started looking over at me in horror because they couldn't reach me, and I was the poor girl with the broken foot falling!!!
I decided that I couldn't fall on my broken foot, but knew I had no choice but to fall. I chose to fall on the table. I fell on the table and made a huge crashing, banging sound. Everyone in the whole room was staring at me and they all had this look on their faces like they did not know how to react!!!
I didn't know what else to do, I didn't want them to feel sorry for me, so I just threw up my hands and really loudly said "Hey Guys I'm here, I just wanted to make sure you all knew that I was here." Everyone, on my lead, started laughing. We all felt better to have the awkwardness broken.
But OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Seriously that is like a bad dream or something!!!!! I was already uncomfortable!!!! Seriously!!!
I really thought it was funny and am still laughing about it, but it is definitely on my top list of MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS!!!
Well, I go into the meeting and say hi to a few people and try to sneak in to sit at a table in the back where I can prop my foot up as inconspicuously as possible. It is hard to not draw some attention to myself because of my situation, but I was trying.
I set up my chairs and put both crutches in one hand. I was trying to balance on one foot to sit down in one chair and prop my foot up on the other. So anyway.... I lost my balance. I knew I was going to fall so I dropped my crutches which made a huge bang on the table. This got everyone's attention.
Everyone started looking over at me in horror because they couldn't reach me, and I was the poor girl with the broken foot falling!!!
I decided that I couldn't fall on my broken foot, but knew I had no choice but to fall. I chose to fall on the table. I fell on the table and made a huge crashing, banging sound. Everyone in the whole room was staring at me and they all had this look on their faces like they did not know how to react!!!
I didn't know what else to do, I didn't want them to feel sorry for me, so I just threw up my hands and really loudly said "Hey Guys I'm here, I just wanted to make sure you all knew that I was here." Everyone, on my lead, started laughing. We all felt better to have the awkwardness broken.
But OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Seriously that is like a bad dream or something!!!!! I was already uncomfortable!!!! Seriously!!!
I really thought it was funny and am still laughing about it, but it is definitely on my top list of MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hot Date with My Hot Man + + + +
K here is my list of great things that have happened today....
- Jake surprised me with a hot date! Well, as hot as they can get with my injured self ;).
- I have so much fun with my mommy and so do my kids.
- I encouraged several people today!
- Several people encouraged me today!
- Emily put a Barbie bandaid on my cast
- Audree said Hi for the first time while waving
- I ate Freddy's Frozen Custard for the first time tonigt! Yum!
- I got to take an hour nap today!!!! Wahoo!!! I needed it, couldn't figure out where I was even when I woke up!
- Got to drive the motorized buggy again!!! Double Wahoo!!!!
I can dish it but I can't take it!
Some of you may have noticed that I have deleted my posts about politics. I decided to put myself out there by sharing my opinions and insight. I still hold strong to what I wrote about, but I wasn't ready for the reaction. It is my fault, if you put yourself out there, you should expect to be criticized, so I'm not complaining. I did decide that with everything else going on in my life right now, I'm not really up for criticism, so I took it down.
I will write a few things that I believe down quickly so that people know where I stand based on my past blogs. I will then avoid talking about politics until I feel ready to take it. I was dishing it but not prepared to take it.
Michelle Obama - I talked about enjoying her speech. I did, she is a great motivational speaker and their family touched me. I unfortunately cannot vote for her and her husband though because he is pro-choice. I said she would make a great first lady, but I didn't say that I wanted her as first lady. I would have to change a few things about their political stances before I would make that statement.
Abortion - This is the issue that is very near and dear to my heart. I believe it is murder and we take away the freedom of babies when we allow people to murder legally. Because Obama is pro choice and McCain is pro life, it is an easy decision to make for me to vote for McCain. I believe he places a higher value on life than Obama does.
Same Sex Marriages - For me, this legalizing same sex marriages is more of a political issue than a moral issue. I view it a little differently in the realm of politics and freedom than I do abortion. I will take a stance though, and say that I morally do believe that same sex relationships and marriages are wrong. I consider that a sin like any other based on my belief in the Bible. Of course I love all people, we are human, but not the act of sin.
Obama and McCain - In some ways, I feel like I have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils - McCain. I cannot waver on the abortion issue so MY VOTE IS FOR MCCAIN.
Okay, this is probably the last time I will put myself out there discussing politics for a while on my blog. Not until I'm ready to take what I dish! :)
I will write a few things that I believe down quickly so that people know where I stand based on my past blogs. I will then avoid talking about politics until I feel ready to take it. I was dishing it but not prepared to take it.
Michelle Obama - I talked about enjoying her speech. I did, she is a great motivational speaker and their family touched me. I unfortunately cannot vote for her and her husband though because he is pro-choice. I said she would make a great first lady, but I didn't say that I wanted her as first lady. I would have to change a few things about their political stances before I would make that statement.
Abortion - This is the issue that is very near and dear to my heart. I believe it is murder and we take away the freedom of babies when we allow people to murder legally. Because Obama is pro choice and McCain is pro life, it is an easy decision to make for me to vote for McCain. I believe he places a higher value on life than Obama does.
Same Sex Marriages - For me, this legalizing same sex marriages is more of a political issue than a moral issue. I view it a little differently in the realm of politics and freedom than I do abortion. I will take a stance though, and say that I morally do believe that same sex relationships and marriages are wrong. I consider that a sin like any other based on my belief in the Bible. Of course I love all people, we are human, but not the act of sin.
Obama and McCain - In some ways, I feel like I have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils - McCain. I cannot waver on the abortion issue so MY VOTE IS FOR MCCAIN.
Okay, this is probably the last time I will put myself out there discussing politics for a while on my blog. Not until I'm ready to take what I dish! :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Life's Little Diet Cokes
Alright, time for me to write about life's little diet cokes. AKA joys. :)
enjoyed a diet coke from Sonic Happy hour
watching Audree crawl all over the stinking house! man she's getting fast!
Jake finished projects around the house that were stressing him out
Emily started her first day at her new new school, I felt really good about the decision we made to change schools and really loved her teacher
staff meeting this morning
lunch with my mom and girls at City Bites
eating a snickerdoodle cookie from City Bites
meeting with my INCREDIBLE children's team - I'm serious I love those people!
enjoyed a diet coke from Sonic Happy hour
watching Audree crawl all over the stinking house! man she's getting fast!
Jake finished projects around the house that were stressing him out
Emily started her first day at her new new school, I felt really good about the decision we made to change schools and really loved her teacher
staff meeting this morning
lunch with my mom and girls at City Bites
eating a snickerdoodle cookie from City Bites
meeting with my INCREDIBLE children's team - I'm serious I love those people!
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
I am truly tired. Audree was awake till 3:30am last night, then woke up at 4:10, and then again at 7:30am. I didn't get much sleep last night. I also pretty much was up on my feet I mean foot :) all day and worked. I am paying the price dearly right now as my toes are purple, and I'm having shooting pain throughout my leg down into my ankle. I guess that's why they told me not to work for at least 2 weeks. Anyone who knows me, knows that is not possible. :)
Let's see what else I can complain about because I am going to have to write about the great things that happened in my next post, and I'm enjoying feeling a little sorry for myself at the moment.
Alright, I really can't think of anything else to complain about, so I guess that is a pretty good thing. :)
Let's see what else I can complain about because I am going to have to write about the great things that happened in my next post, and I'm enjoying feeling a little sorry for myself at the moment.
Alright, I really can't think of anything else to complain about, so I guess that is a pretty good thing. :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Count Your Blessings, Count Them One by One
Count your blessings see what God has done....
Today's Blessings
Today's Blessings
- had fun with my mom
- communicated with Emily's new teacher
- told Emily how proud I was of her because of how sweet and kind she is to others
- Audree gave me some very slobbery wet kisses
- Emily wrote 2 notes all by herself
- Audree has learned this hilarious grunt that CRACKS ME UP!
- got to ride a motorized scooter at Target
- realized how much fun I have with my very best friend - JAKE
- about to eat some Chewy Nerds (ya must be a new thing!)
Motorized Shopping Cart
I just got to ride around Super Target (sorry Penny) in a motorized shopping cart. No one was there, that's one of the reasons we picked Target, so I had the aisles to myself. Thank goodness because I was dangerous.
Okay, seriously though, it was soooo much fun. Jake and I had a blast!!! I only tried to run over him once or twice. :) I swerved, bumped into things, I was crazy. Okay as crazy as I can be with one leg and a motorized scooter. I even got a nice cool breeze as I was speeding through the aisles.
If you ever get bored, I'm telling you, a motorized scooter is the way to go!!!
Okay, seriously though, it was soooo much fun. Jake and I had a blast!!! I only tried to run over him once or twice. :) I swerved, bumped into things, I was crazy. Okay as crazy as I can be with one leg and a motorized scooter. I even got a nice cool breeze as I was speeding through the aisles.
If you ever get bored, I'm telling you, a motorized scooter is the way to go!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Really, I need to go to bed. I can barely keep my eyes open.
I just saw a preview of the new 90210.... Not sure what to think..... Will it link me back to my teenage years or will it be a completely different show? Will it be just as controversial as it was in the 90's?
Hmmm.... What do you think? Is anyone gonna attempt to watch this?
I just saw a preview of the new 90210.... Not sure what to think..... Will it link me back to my teenage years or will it be a completely different show? Will it be just as controversial as it was in the 90's?
Hmmm.... What do you think? Is anyone gonna attempt to watch this?
Life is About the Small Things
Okay I'm on day 5 of my 6 weeks of having to have my "foot propped up." Wow! It seems like it has already been 6 weeks!!!! Needless to say, I may be blogging about 8 times a day. I can say with much confidence. NO I DO NOT HAVE A LIFE! Doctors orders. :)
I'm going to try to name as many things that happened today that I consider joys.....
I'm going to try to name as many things that happened today that I consider joys.....
- I got to spend quality time with Grace and Faith.
- Faith started playing peek a boo with me by covering her face with a blanket and then pulling it down.
- I got to read a few pages of The Berenstain Bear's Meet Santa Bear
- I got to watch the Cosby family on Oprah.
- I got to eat chocolate chip cookies that Jake and Grace made.
- I got to chat online with my good friends.
- I got to watch Grace and Faith interact with their E-Maw.
- Jake got to come home a few minutes early.
- I got to watch part of The View this morning.
- I got to find out the new cast of Dancing with the Stars and new judge on American Idol.
- I got my weekend schedule started, almost done.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Life Unpredictable
Life sure is interesting. About 3 weeks ago I was tweeting "I love life" randomly in the middle of the day. I moved into a new house, got to swim with my kiddos and one of my friends every other day, my job was going smoothly, and of course loving being married to my hubby.
Then Boom! Life throws curve balls at you. I got into a wreck and had to share an ambulance with my 4 year old and leave my 8 mo. old on the side of the road with strangers and a police officer. Grace was okay. But for me it led to surgery, which led to me not being able to walk on my right foot for what will be a total of at least 8 weeks. Boom! Something else that I can't write about! Boom! Faith needs tubes in her ears! Boom! Boom! Boom!
I mean, isn't that the way it always goes. It all comes at the same time! satan sure likes to kick you when you are down!!!!
Wow! I struggle with feeling sorry for myself, but really how can I? Blessings came out of all of these tragedies. Now I wouldn't have opted to receive these blessings in this way, but I can't deny them!!!
So, I just have to look up right now. And not only that, I have to remember to focus on looking up when I'm tweeting "I love life!" Not just when I am desperate!
Then Boom! Life throws curve balls at you. I got into a wreck and had to share an ambulance with my 4 year old and leave my 8 mo. old on the side of the road with strangers and a police officer. Grace was okay. But for me it led to surgery, which led to me not being able to walk on my right foot for what will be a total of at least 8 weeks. Boom! Something else that I can't write about! Boom! Faith needs tubes in her ears! Boom! Boom! Boom!
I mean, isn't that the way it always goes. It all comes at the same time! satan sure likes to kick you when you are down!!!!
Wow! I struggle with feeling sorry for myself, but really how can I? Blessings came out of all of these tragedies. Now I wouldn't have opted to receive these blessings in this way, but I can't deny them!!!
- I get to spend lots of time with my husband and kids!
- I get to spend lots of time with God and learn to fully trust Him!
- I get to spend lots of time with my Mom!
- My husband is waiting on me hand and foot, and he almost always opens the door for me now! (I love you babe!)
- Those that I am close to have revealed their true colors to me. I have learned some things about friends that are really disappointing, but I have incredible friends that have really stepped up and taken care of me as a result of it!!!
- God has used this opportunity to produce new leaders in the children's ministry!
- I have been broken down to the core and have had to make my choices based on FAITH and FAITH alone!!!! God hasn't let me down!!!!
So, I just have to look up right now. And not only that, I have to remember to focus on looking up when I'm tweeting "I love life!" Not just when I am desperate!
My First Blog
Well...I've tried to start blogging before and my excuse has been that I don't have enough time. I would write one and then fizzle. Sooo, thanks to my good friend Amy, and the doctors orders that I have to keep my "foot propped up," I'm out of excuses. I'm gonna start.
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